Permaculture Education

The main objective of the Chico Permaculture Guild (CPG) is to facilitate the outreach of permaculture education at NO COST to our community. The CPG is an education program of Earthshed Solutions and the main feature of this program is our Gatherings.

CPG Gatherings are free and open to the public and include an interactive lecture with a slide show while we discuss a particular topic within the permaculture toolbox; such as water harvesting, design methods or forest gardens. We also have a potluck and ‘Share the Surplus’ swap sharing our local and home made abundance with each other.

Earthshed PermaBlitzes are an informal gathering involving a group of people who have come together to share skills related to permaculture and sustainable living. Permablitzes are FREE events that are open to the public, where you learn new skills, share food, get some exercise and have fun. They are about helping our neighborhoods become more edible and resilient one yard at a time by harnessing and building the power of community.

Bill-Mollison-Permaculture-A-Designers-Manual_Page_001WHAT IS PERMACULTURE? Permaculture is a design system based on 3 core ethics (earth care, people care and fair share) and numerous principles which utilize different site specific methods and strategies to achieve a regenerative environment and abundant society. For many people learning about permaculture can be as simple as joining your local guild, self-guided learning with books and online resources or taking basic ‘Permaculture 101’ workshops -OR all of the above!

For other people permaculture becomes a lifestyle; a way to provide ourselves with additional security in an uncertain time or a new profession when seeking a career change. To become a professional permaculture designer one needs to take a Permaculture Design Certificate course (also known as a PDC).

If you are interested in learning more about Permaculture join our Guild by attending our next CPG Gathering and talk with us about how we can help you learn and practice permaculture.

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